There are a few pictures I would like to post over the happenings of the last couple months...
Devan at the dentist...watching Cat in the Hat on the ceiling while he waits!
It was Lailas turn and she was such a big girl! This one is Laila and her grandpa! She really loves her grandpa!!!!!!!
Laila really loved the park
Ill get better at this posting. I really want to have this as a memory for the kids! Life is hectic and before you know it months have gone by!!! The summer is coming and I have lots of pictures of the kids outdoors. They love being outside and enjoying this great Flordia weather!
Ill get better at this posting. I really want to have this as a memory for the kids! Life is hectic and before you know it months have gone by!!! The summer is coming and I have lots of pictures of the kids outdoors. They love being outside and enjoying this great Flordia weather!
They are happiest when they are outside and on the go! I love those babies so much!!!!!!!!!!!!