Devan has just finished 3 weeks of intense summer school and just in time for school to start in 1 1/2 weeks! I cant believe the summer is already over! Wow! He is getting so big and so much older acting it really makes me sad. I hardly think about him turning 7 in a few days without it bringing tears to my eyes.
We went to Grandmas and Grandpas house and ate cupcakes.
We played in the sprinklers at grandma and grandpas. This Florida heat is miserable at times! Heat index 105 degrees some days!
Sprinklers def cool you off and wears them out!!!! (LOL)
We also had another run in with the local fire department. Grandpa got the oil too hot on the deep fryer and the garage filled up with smoke! Devan and Laila thought it was the coolest thing. It was kinda funny and no one was hurt!
We went to the Destin Commons and the kids ran through the water and played on the playground after we went and saw Despicable Me in 3D at the commons. It was such a good movie

We also went to McDonalds Playland. Laila is such a social butterfly and a flirt. I dont even know this little boy but he was hooked to Laila the whole time. When it was time to leave he started walking to my car!!!!! ( I never did find out where HIS mom was!)
My babies. They played so good together at McD's
Laila said, "Mom, let me show you how I can make a crazy face that you will love so much!"
I caught the kids having a kiddie conversation outside on mom adn dads deck. I snapped the picture from inside through the window! I have no idea what they were talking about.